Skills Upgrade (Sharpening Saw engineering)
We at iClarity understand the importance of professional growth and our experienced IT education professionals we know how to help IT professional in their journey of enhancing their Technical, Functional & Behavioral skills and achieve their career goals.

1.Technical Skills
Information technology is changing very rapidly, experienced IT professionals need to keep themselves updated with the technology change. But due to the work pressure and commitments it becomes very difficult and challenging for them to upgrade their skills.
- Database Track
- BI Track
- Big data Track
- Analytics Track
- .Net Track
- Java Track
- Open Source Track
2.Functional Skills
Every IT professional who joins the industry at some stage wants to grow in terms of roles & responsibilities this is only possible if he/she learns and practices the tasks and activities of the new role effectively before actually assuming that role. We at iClarity provide the platform for all such IT professionals to acquire the new skills required & practice them with us.
- Working in Team
- Personality Development
- Leadership Skills
- Effective Customer Management
- Business Requirement Management
- Design/Architect the Application
- Writing effective Business Proposal